The nursery has been coming together slowly but surely.
I don’t know if you remember, but we moved approximately 3 1/2 weeks before baby girl was born. I can’t wait for the nursery to be enjoyed by our baby girl! She will be listening to lovely nursery rhymes in no time.
Needless to say I didn’t have much time to throw a nursery together.
Over the past two months I have slowly chipped away at her nursery and I’m happy to say it’s starting to come together.
The project I’m highlighting today is her curtains.
I am loving the way they turned out.
Because the nursery also doubles as a guest bedroom, there is… of course… a bed in there. The only place the bed fit was in the corner awkwardly under the window, so making two panel curtains was out of the question. It would have looked all weird and askew. Trust me.
Also, taking pictures of curtains using natural light is really hard. Just FYI.
Oh, and those cute throw pillows are super easy and fun to make. Check out that post here.

My window was 71″ wide and 71″ tall. Weird, right? I could have sworn it was rectangular instead of perfectly square. Measuring tapes do not lie though… and my weird windows are totally square.
This is what I did: I bought 5 yards of fabric that measured 44 inches wide. I cut it in half so then I had two lengths of fabric, each measuring 2 1/2 yards in length by 44 inches wide.
Then I sewed the two pieces of fabric together side by side. So now I had one big sheet of fabric that was 2 1/2 yards in length and 88 inches wide. Well, technically 87 inches wide to account for seam allowances, but you get my drift.
Then I hemmed all four sides.
Lastly, I folded the top over about four inches and sewed it down to create a pocket for the curtain rod to slide through.
Easy peasy!
The bow was the only hard part.

Yet obviously so necessary!
I (kind of?) used this tutorial.
I say kind of because the only part I followed were the first three photos of the tutorial.
I sewed it all together by hand, including the strip of fabric wrapped around the middle of the bow. Trust me, it was a hack job, but nobody will ever see the back, so I didn’t care much. Then I hand sewed a ribbon to the back of it to tie up the curtains.
I am so pleased with how our curtains turned out. For now they are ideal, but we might also invest in some soundproof ones in the future. Some friends of ours recently sent us this fascinating article if you are in need of some new curtains: Soundproof Curtains: Do they really work? – Soundproof Expert. Let me know your thoughts!
It would have been easier to just tie a bow, but if I’m being honest… tying bows is not my strong suit. For example, once I was helping set up my brother’s open house for his wedding. I tried to tie bows onto the backs of chairs, and it didn’t work out so well. My Aunt Jalynn had to run behind me and fix every bow I tied. Every. Single. One.
Aunt Jalynn is super awesome. Unfortunately, she lives far away and couldn’t come tie my bow for me, so I had to sew it.
Honestly, it’s kind of convenient that my bow stays cute even if I want to use the curtains.
If you are a talented bow tyer (did any of you know that is an actual word? Yeah? Ya’ll are geniuses!), then I am jealous of you, and this project just became extremely simple.
If you are not good at tying bows… let me know. I’ll hook you up with Aunt Jalynn’s number.