Warning: Do not eat these while watching the show “The Blacklist”.
You WILL get way too into it and you WILL end up eating millions of these suckers.
Because that show is the best, and these are delicious and a little addicting because they are so good and so… popable?
po·pa·ble [poh–puh-buhl] adjective 1. fit or suitable for popping into one’s mouth: popable potatoes. noun 2. Usually popables; bite sized eatables; foodstuff.
Origin: 2014; < Late Latin pōpābilis eatable, equivalent to Latin pōpā ( re ) to pop + -bilis -ble
Related forms po·pa·bil·i·ty, po·pa·ble·ness, noun non·po·ppa·ble, adjective, noun un·po·ppa·ble, adjective
Congratulations! You were just witness to the birth of a brand new word. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?!
Oven Roasted Potatoes with Rosemary and Garlic
2016-01-23 16:23:07
These fancy little suckers are the perfect side dish for EVERYTHING.
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1 ½ lbs. new red potatoes, scrubbed and quartered
¼ c. olive oil
4-6 cloves garlic, crushed
1 teaspoon dried rosemary
Freshly cracked black pepper and sea salt
Preheat oven to 400° F.
Place all the ingredients in a plastic bag and toss to coat. Once completely coated, pour out onto a cookie sheet. Sprinkle a little sea salt and black pepper over potatoes. Bake for 30 minutes. Stir about halfway through cooking to brown evenly. When they are done baking, salt and pepper once again to taste.
My Mom Taught Me To Play With my food http://playzwithfood.com/

These are one of my favorite side dishes. They seem super fancy, and they really couldn’t be any easier.
With only four ingredients, you can impress your whole family.
Maybe my family is just super easy to impress.
I don’t know.
But seriously these are really good.
And you should try them.