I have seen many different names for this divine treat.
I have seen it called: Coconut Chex Mix Gooey Chex Mix Sweet Chex Mix Christmas Chex Mix Sweet Christmas Chex Christmas Crunch Holiday Chex MixAnd my personal favorites: Who Hash & Christmas CrackIn an effort not to sound like the world’s most awesome drug dealers, my family always called it “Coconut Crap.”
Not quite as appetizing, but you sure as heck won’t get it confused with anything else we’ve got goin’ on in the kitchen.
Coconut Crap
2016-01-24 18:23:33
Hands down the most addicting dessert ever. And it's super easy to whip together! Give it to family or neighbors as gifts!
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1/2 large box Rice Chex
2 cups sliced almonds
1 cup coconut
1 cup karo syrup
1 1/2 cubes butter
1 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla
Mix Chex, almonds and coconut in a large bowl.
On the stove top in a medium saucepan, cook karo syrup, butter and sugar. Bring to a boil and cook for 4 minutes. Take off stove and add baking soda and vanilla. Stir. Pour over dry mix in bowl. Stir carefully to coat without breaking up the cereal. Pour on cookie sheet to cool.
My Mom Taught Me To Play With my food http://playzwithfood.com/
In the end, it really doesn’t matter what you decide to call it.As long as your stuffing your face with it.